Wednesday, 25 April 2012

W is for Frizby's Frightening Foray

OMG this morning began from a lying down start with Frizby taking off into the Wild.  She was playing with the  dog across the street, Pee Wee, when they ran off somewhere...  Off on foot Went I, Waking the neighbours With my Wicked Whistle and my Worried Woops.  Half an hour later still no sign of Frizby but PeeWee had come home...  TLOML called in late to Work and We jumped in Shermie and Went further afield searching for the baby.  Finally a Woman said she had seen her and tried to catch her and that Frizby was too frightened to come to her.  She pointed off into a Wide field that led to a WaterWay and TLOML headed in that direction while I drove home, she still Wasn't there, and then Went to the other side near the creek...  I couldn't find her nor could I hear TLOML calling out - back to the car and driving back towards home I saw her Waving Wildly and With her Was the Wanton Wretch.  I could have cried with relief!  She Was covered With sticky seeds and filthy!  What a Worrying start to the day!  My throat is sore with calling out and by 8.30am I'm already exhausted!

Frizby is now grounded!  No more playing with Pee Wee for her!

Willful and Willing
describe our new pup
I wanted to sleep but I had to get up


  1. Better keep her in the house for a few more weeks until she really bonds with you! Glad you got her back... did she enjoy the bath afterwards? >;-)

    1. Thanks mate - she got by with a grooming instead of yet another bath! She does seem to be quite bonded with us and at least came to TLOML where she wouldn't come to the woman who had been trying to catch her. The adventures continued for the poor little thing last night when the intimidating bull dog across the road made a dash at her when she was out for her bedtime wee. Frizby, tail down, managed to bolt up the stairs to the house while TLOML yelled at the bull dog... I tell you what there is no end of excitement in our lives!!! The poor little fur ball is off (muzzle and all) across on the ferry to town this afternoon to get her vet check.
